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GL Accountant Interview Questions

Top 5 GL accountant interview questions with detailed tips for both hiring managers and candidates.

GL accountants verify that financial data is accurately reflected in an organization’s accounting practices. They conduct audits on data, verify journal entries, and reconcile accounts. They also keep records of supporting documentation to ensure regulatory compliance.

When interviewing general ledger accountants, look for candidates who exhibit attention to detail and the ability to promote interdepartmental cooperation. Be wary of candidates with limited knowledge of accounting software and those with poor communication skills.

Interview Questions for GL Accountants:

1. Can you explain your approach to monitoring petty cash spending?

Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge and experience in analyzing data for accuracy and truthfulness.

2. What are your recommendations to ensure compliance with regulations?

Reveals the candidate's knowledge of industry regulations and their ability to achieve compliance.

3. Can you tell me about your experience with accounting software?

Evaluates the candidate's experience and proficiency in industry-related software.

4. Which procedures work best to receive pertinent information from other departments?

Highlights the candidate's experience and ability to establish effective inter-departmental communication channels.

5. Can you describe a challenging GL accounting issue you resolved?

Assesses the candidate's knowledge and experience in GL accounting, as well as their problem-solving skills.