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Treasury Assistant Interview Questions

Top 5 treasury assistant interview questions with detailed tips for both hiring managers and candidates.

Treasury assistants track companies’ income and expenditures and assist with daily treasury functions such as cash counting and bank reconciliations.

When interviewing treasury assistants, the ideal candidate will have advanced knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping practices. Be wary of candidates who cannot maintain focus for extended periods.

Interview Questions for Treasury Assistants:

1. What skills do you think treasury assistants need in order to be successful?

Tests the candidate's understanding of the position and highlights pertinent skills.

2. How would you resolve a discrepancy with multiple cash transactions?

Demonstrates the candidate’s analytical, investigative, and problem-solving skills.

3. What systems should be used when counting cash and balancing receipts?

Demonstrates the candidate’s ability to focus and highlights money management skills.

4. How would you ensure that the daily treasury duties are completed on time?

Highlights the candidate’s organizational and time management skills.

5. What accounting and bookkeeping software are you most familiar with?

Highlights areas of expertise and reveals possible gaps in knowledge.